Regal Lilies

Early summer is daisy time, with daisy family species like Shastas, echinacea and coreopsis holding forth in multi-petaled radiance.  But all the daisies in the world cannot outshine the tall trumpet lilies that are also making glorious music in gardens right now.  Regal lilies or Lilium regale, with their voluptuous, golden-throated trumpets, are among the … Read more

Fall Treasures

The fall bulb packages have arrived, nearly submerged under a high tide of holiday catalogs.  Since I have long since forgotten most of what I ordered at various times during the summer, the boxes are full of glorious surprises.  Unpacking them gives me a feeling akin to opening the boxes of Christmas ornaments in December.  … Read more

In the Beauty of the Lilies

After all my years as a gardener, you would think that I could hang out the “no vacancy” sign over my beds and borders.  But sometimes weak plants die and underperformers need relocation to more congenial spaces.  Occasionally I swear that the groundhogs carry off choice specimens and replant them according to their own aesthetic … Read more