New and Different Florist’s Cyclamen

Every year at holiday time, florists’ cyclamen, known as Cyclamen persicum hybrids, proliferate in all the places that sell plants.  Their bright colors–reds, pinks, purples, white and bi-colors—and showy, orchid-like blooms make them the ideal holiday eye candy.  I generally buy one or two, either for my own house or as gifts for friends.  Being … Read more

Cyclamen Rejuvenation

Garden cyclamen, sometimes known as hardy cyclamen, are subtle plants and easy to forget when they are not in leaf or flower.  I forgot mine completely until I noticed that they hadn’t appeared this year.  I don’t know what happened, but I blame the squirrels who have rampaged through the garden, digging with impunity and … Read more

Persian Cyclamen

CYCLAMEN             Florists’ cyclamen—Cyclamen persicum–are great imposters.  Despite the Latin name, they do not hail from Persia or modern-day Iran.  The flowers look more like orchids than their primrose-family affiliation might suggest, and their leaves, when massed together, look less like foliage and more like marble or damask fabric.  Beguiling plant buyers with their ravishing … Read more

Fall Finish

The tall asters, now known as Symphyotrichum, will be finished with their impressive run by a week from now, leaving only some of their smaller cousins to carry on the garden show.  The fall-blooming colchicums will also have finished their day in the sun, leaving only a few fading petals on the ground to show … Read more