Morning Glories

Right now morning glories are working their way through the garden, climbing the trellising by the back porch, creeping along the ground in front of the privet hedge and insinuating themselves into the plantings between the sidewalk and the street.  In short, they are everywhere.  The reason for this is that ‘Grandpa Ott’s’, the variety … Read more


My garden spent most of the month of July sweltering in hot, sticky heat and parched because of minimal rainfall.  Even with daily watering, plants suffered, especially those in containers.  The end of the month has brought almost too much relief in the form of daily thunderstorms.  Mushrooms are growing now in beds that were … Read more

Battersea Park

Garden restorations never cease to fascinate me and I am especially inspired by the restoration of the Old English Garden in Battersea Park, London, featured recently in The Guardian newspaper (  The restoration is being done under the auspices of Thrive, an English charity devoted to horticultural therapy, with the actual work completed by gardening trainees … Read more

Sword Lilies

Flower lovers tend to either loathe or adore tall hybrid gladiolas.  Dame Edna Everage, actor Barry Humphries’ diva-esque, lavender-haired alter ego, loves them so much that she dubbed them her “signature flower.”  It’s a perfect fit—both are commanding and flamboyant.  Available in an array of colors, from pastels to some truly screaming shades, gladiolas are … Read more

Privet Pain

No matter what time it is in my garden, it’s always time to clip the privet.  It bounds the front yard on three sides and thrives on a diet of neglect and neighbors’ complaints.  I trim and trim.  When I am finished with the entire hedge, I start all over again.  If I relax with … Read more