
My aunt was a serial hobbyist, and one of her hobby phases was macrame. Since she was always an avid gardener, many of her knotted creations were plant hangers. In fact, before she moved on to other hobbies, her kitchen looked like a suburban version of the hanging gardens of Babylon. She would have loved … Read more

Poppies on Snow

In the realm of dreams, goals and visions, the idea of scattering annual poppy seeds on snow is probably not very high on anyone’s list. But I have never managed to do it, so it has remained a gardening goal for years now. Some years I have had seeds but no snow. Some years I … Read more

A New Leaf

I am an absolute sucker for old-style plant catalogs. Sure, vendors offer greater variety online, and I always order that way, but there is something irresistible about all of those vibrant flowers, fruits and vegetables. They demand your full attention and all but leap off the pages, making it clear that their ultimate intention is … Read more

Japanese Painted Fern

I have friends and relatives who are nuts about ferns, from great big ostrich ferns to small ground-hugging varieties. In spring, these fern lovers take walks in damp, muddy woods just to see the young fronds, or fiddleheads, before they unfurl. In summer, they pour water on their prized ferns to keep them from curling … Read more

Flower Free Clivia

I have been enchanted by Clivia miniata, which usually just goes by “clivia”, or sometimes “fire lily”, for a long time. A few years ago, I succumbed and bought a clivia from a vendor at the Philadelphia Flower show. I brought it home, put it in a choice location beside the other house plants on … Read more