Tradescant’s Children

Garden spiderwort or Tradescantia x andersoniana is one of those plants that invariably pops up on lists of flowering specimens for partial shade.  To say that it flowers is an understatement.  It actually rampages.  A mature clump of spiderwort may boast scores of flowers, but it conceals another talent—self seeding.  Right now I am up … Read more

On the Fringes

In spring you notice all the flowering trees that have been hiding in plain sight for the rest of the year.  Right now, the striking Kousa dogwoods or Cornus kousa, are strutting their stuff, with large, white, four-petaled flowers that boast green centers.  The trees are anonymous to all but their most loyal followers three … Read more

Flying the Flags

My county has some of the loveliest public parks around, with long, winding roads, beautiful trees and winsome water features.  The paths through these parks are among my favorite walking routes.  I was out walking not long ago and spotted a clump of yellow flag iris or Iris pseudacorus on the edge of a large, … Read more

Flocks of Doves

I have columbine or Aquilegia vulgaris growing in my garden—and occasionally in the grass, rock wall crevices, cracks between pavers, and just about anywhere else that that is home to more than an atom of soil.  I regard this as a blessing, because most of them are self sown specimens that flourish with absolutely no … Read more

May Baskets

I have always wanted to visit Virginia for Garden Week, a seven or eight day extravaganza during which notable homes and gardens all over the state are open to the public.  This year I finally had the chance to get to Virginia and it was a feast for the senses.  One of the best parts … Read more