New and Different Florist’s Cyclamen

Every year at holiday time, florists’ cyclamen, known as Cyclamen persicum hybrids, proliferate in all the places that sell plants.  Their bright colors–reds, pinks, purples, white and bi-colors—and showy, orchid-like blooms make them the ideal holiday eye candy.  I generally buy one or two, either for my own house or as gifts for friends.  Being … Read more

Tickled by Tickseed

The daisy or Compositae family is so large—950 genera, 20,000 species and even more cultivated varieties and hybrids—that you could fill hundreds of gardens with family members without even thinking about plants from outside the clan.  Over the last three decades or so, individual daisy genera, including coneflower, asters, Shasta daisies and blanketflower, have caught … Read more

Little Iris

A neighbor stopped by not long ago and said, “What are those beautiful aqua iris by your front walk?”  The iris in question were small but glorious, resembling a cluster of orchids or a small flock of butterflies hovering just above ground level.  The three outer petals or falls of each one were pale aqua-blue … Read more