
As I look out on my winter-weary garden, I am reminded of the newest fashion in gardening–”rewilding”. It is popping up with increasing frequency in gardening publications, especially those emanating from Great Britain.  Clearly as far as “rewilding” goes, I am fashion forward.  In fact, at this moment, considering all that I neglected to do … Read more

Gardening Resolutions

We all make New Year’s resolutions.  By now, with winter’s gray days weighing heavily upon us, many have already been broken.  But gardening resolutions are different.  Those of us in cold winter climates haven’t had the chance to break any resolutions yet, because those resolutions depend on our ability to break the frozen ground.  We … Read more

Swell Swale

When I was on vacation in August, I saw the most inspiring bioswale I have ever seen. Some people may ask, “What on earth is a bioswale?” The answer is simple. A bioswale is a more sophisticated and ecologically sound version of a drainage ditch. Bioswales are designed to hold, channel and sometimes filter the … Read more