Earliest Snowdrops

Every year in early to mid December, a few snowdrops or galanthus pop up in the little bed by my back porch steps.  Depending on your perspective, they are either the last flowers of the old season or the first flowers of the new season.  I prefer to think of them as a reminder that … Read more

What Now?

Winter is only one month old and even if the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow, it is going to be a long wait until spring.  You can spend that time staying warm, perusing catalogs and tending the houseplants, but many of us miss being outside. “Outside” is not always congenial, due to seasonal drama provided … Read more

Hope Springing

This year, Presidents’ Day marked the first foray into the winter-struck garden.  The temperature was finally above 45 degrees, the endless rain had stopped, and it was a Federal holiday.  That trifecta of events was the winning combination that sent me out of doors first thing in the morning.  I reconnoitered, pulled out the garden … Read more

Lady Beatrix Stanley

I am a student of gardening history, especially in the winter, when actual gardening activities are necessarily limited.  Sometimes in my reading, catalog perusal and other armchair activities, certain tantalizing figures pop up repeatedly.  This happened recently with Lady Beatrix Stanley, whom I found waltzing across the pages of a snowdrop catalog, dancing through listings … Read more

First Things First

I have always envied gardeners who boast that they have something in bloom outdoors 365 days a year.  In a cold winter climate that is just about impossible, unless you count the final fall flower remnants that somehow cling to blackened stems into January.  I call that cheating and I won’t do it.  At least … Read more