Wild Swan

In this part of the world, we have paid for the recent mild winter with a long, erratically cool spring.  Since March first, I think we have had more snow in the forecast—though not on the ground—than we did during the months of November, December and January combined. The daffodils, hyacinths and tulips are made … Read more

Fancy Plants

Many people over the years have quoted Oscar Wilde’s famous aphorism characterizing marriage as “the triumph of hope over experience.” My husband, David, and I defied Oscar Wilde and hope always won out. The same cannot be said of my experiences with fancy leaf begonias, which have been bitter. A few years ago, I wrote … Read more

And the Winner Is…

It’s “red carpet season”—at least in the media. Every week, celebrities gather to watch and/or receive the Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, People’s Choice or any of the thousand other awards that lead up to the Academy Awards. Many of us gawk from the comfort of our couches as red carpets roll out and celebrities … Read more

Turk’s Cap Lilies

High summer has just passed. In the roadside ditches and hedgerows near my Central New York State summer cottage, the green milkweed pods are fattening up. In another month they will be brown and ready to split, dispersing their silk-clad seeds. Sulfur butterflies dance over Queen Anne’s lace, chicory, butter-and-eggs and early goldenrod. The air … Read more

Fragrant Hostas

Everyone I know grows hostas.  They are unparalleled for filling up space in shady spots and will increase happily, as long as you remember to put out Tony Soprano-style contracts on the local slugs and deer. Some gardeners, who have made the appropriate slug and deer arrangements, might call hostas “the perfect plant.”  Perfect, that … Read more