Vivacious Vervain

If I spent every dark, cold January night in the company of the many seed and plant catalogs and merchandisers’ websites, I would have to declare bankruptcy in February. Given that sad fact, I seek solace on the screen where I can stream all manner of gardening shows from the United States and elsewhere. One … Read more

Wild Columbine

Last year at about this time, my daughter and I sought out some COVID lockdown relief in a park that boasts the highest elevation in our state.  As we indulged in that relief, we spotted a number of interesting wild plants, including the star of the wildflower show, pink lady’s slipper orchid or Cypripedium acaule. … Read more

Almost a Hummingbird

My daughter, Kate, and I were cruising the aisles of a large, well-stocked garden center last week when we noticed rapid movement in a display of bee balm or monarda.  The garden center was full of butterflies and small birds swooped in and out of the covered plant areas, but it was clear the movement … Read more