Daisy Fleabane

You have to love a plant that comes with the following catalog description: “possesses enough brawn to easily tackle heat, humidity, dry shade and lean soil, yet detests too much fertility.” That describes my climate and parts of my garden perfectly. The good news is that the plant in question is already growing there, having … Read more


A few years ago, my daughter and I were in a public park, hiking up a steep road in the direction of the highest point in our state. Not far from the summit, a large butterfly stopped to rest on the pavement in front of us. The slender “tails” on the lower wings marked it … Read more

Fall’s Last Daisies

In 1919, a new popular song invaded the public conscience. Its title was, “How Ya Gonna Keep ’em Down on the Farm (After They’ve Seen Paree?)” World War I had just ended and many American soldiers had experienced Europe for the first time. Some of those not annihilated in trench warfare had been exposed to … Read more

Virginia Leaper

In my garden beds, I generally consider Virginia creeper—Parthenocissus quinquefolia—to be a nuisance. The seeds, “planted” by passing birds that eat and excrete the fall berries, germinate readily in inaccessible places like the base of the privet hedge that bounds three sides of the front yard. Disguised by the privet leaves, the fast-sprouting creeper vines … Read more

Aster Apologies

In my part of the world it has been raining ceaselessly—or so it seems—for days on end. The diminishing minutes of daylight are further diminished by the perpetual cloud cover. The garden is not just soggy, it is drowning. If this weather keeps up, some of us will be starting our annual bout of seasonal … Read more