Elephants in the Garden

It may not be obvious, but elephants are rampaging in our homes and gardens.  Large and impressive, they fill spaces with life and texture in exchange for ready supplies of food and water.  The one thing they don’t do is awaken the neighbors with noisy trumpeting.  This is clearly a blessing, especially if you live … Read more

Maple By Any Other Name

I have had a crush on abutilon or “parlor maple” plants for the longest time.  It might be because I love their hollyhock-like flowers.  Or perhaps it is because I live in a Victorian house and the room that I refer to as the” living room” would once have been called “the parlor”.  It stands … Read more

Fragrant Butterflies

The world is full of beautiful flowers, but the most beautiful ones have fragrance to match their good looks.  That is why I always thought colorful, beruffled florists’ cyclamens, also known as Cyclamen persicum, were just a little lacking.  The selective breeding that transformed an eastern Mediterranean wildflower into a modern-day floral celebrity resulted in … Read more

Baron St. Paul’s Violets

Like most couples, my parents compromised on various issues throughout their marriage.  One of the most significant centered on flowers.  My mother wanted flowers in the house 365 days a year.  My father did not want to go broke providing them.  The compromise, which took place before I was old enough to know about it, … Read more

Foster Plants

The scenario goes something like this…A child wants a dog.  All his friends have dogs and he is the only one without a dog.  The child’s busy parents, wary of another long term commitment won’t agree to get a dog.  The child chips away at the parents’ resistance until they finally give in—as long as … Read more