
I have an echeveria that will most likely stay in the same pot forever. It is lovely, with big, plump, succulent leaves, and apparently healthy, enjoying its sunny spot in the dining room window. It drinks up about a tablespoon of water per week and requires little else. If it weren’t so attractive, I would … Read more

Color Me Croton

Sadly, the poinsettia plants that many of us purchased over the holiday period have given their all, lost their colorful bracts, and been consigned to the curb, the compost pile, or that neglected spot among the unloved houseplants where seasonal specimens go to die. Now, with holiday decorations stowed, and spring still far off, many … Read more


I am a plant lover with a dirty little secret—my houseplants are dying of neglect. At the moment my foyer and dining room look like a horticultural ICU, with patients that include a collection of geraniums, cacti, African violets, orchids and amaryllis.  Most spent last summer outside, happy and healthy.  The majority of the geraniums … Read more