Everything Old is New Again

People argue perpetually about certain words, among them “climate change” and “sustainability”. In a time of turmoil in the world—no matter how you characterize that turmoil—we need peace in the garden. So I propose we think about an idea that is relatively uncontroversial, has stood the test of time, and is useful in just about … Read more

August Lilies

August makes me think of green things, like the giant luna moth, which I have sighted on August evenings, and peridot, the green-shaded August birthstone.  But I think the best green thing in the August garden is the “August lily”, or Hosta plantaginea. Why is this hosta, sometimes also know as Corfu lily, white plantain … Read more

Landscaped by Others

The great American garden writer, Elizabeth Lawrence, famously said, “No one gardens alone.”  The truth of those words shows in my garden every day.  Ninety percent of the landscape and tending falls to me; the rest is done by others.  Fortunately, given the state of my bank accounts, I don’t have to pay them anything.  … Read more

Hosta ‘Fragrant Bouquet’

Hostas are so reliable, easy to grow and useful that they have become ubiquitous.  If they weren’t beloved by slugs and deer, they would probably be the most popular plants in the world. I use them in my garden, but I frequently take them for granted.  The leaves–plain or variegated; large or small;   apple … Read more