Edison Blooms Again

Not long ago I gave a garden talk at the monthly meeting of a wonderful local garden club. They were, like so many passionate gardeners, warm and friendly and devoted to many aspects of horticulture—ecology, hands-on gardening and growing and showing flowers to perfection. It was heady company. The members work as horticulture volunteers at … Read more

Rosa Alba

For years I have called myself a rose lover, but I have completely neglected a significant category of old roses. Finally, this summer, a plantsman of my acquaintance called me on it. “How,” he said, “could you not grow alba roses?” Of course, I made all the usual excuses, mostly having to do with the … Read more

Blanc Double de Coubert

The other day I needed a rose—a special rose with certain very specific characteristics. It had to have beautiful blossoms, decent-looking leaves and a repeat blooming habit. Fragrance was a given. This much-needed plant also had to be pest and disease resistant and require very little care. Hearing all of that, some people might point … Read more