Everything Old is New Again

People argue perpetually about certain words, among them “climate change” and “sustainability”. In a time of turmoil in the world—no matter how you characterize that turmoil—we need peace in the garden. So I propose we think about an idea that is relatively uncontroversial, has stood the test of time, and is useful in just about … Read more

Starting With Eggshells

Not long ago the mailman dropped off the wonderful snowdrop catalog that my friend, Hitch Lyman, puts out every year.  As you might expect, Hitch always waxes poetic, practical and whimsical about his line-up of unusual snowdrops, but he also has a long history of including inspiring quotes on the back cover.  This year’s quote … Read more

Sustainable New Year

The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are usually too big to be manageable for more than a few weeks.  Change—whether it is weight loss, curbing bad habits or de-cluttering your home environment—is best done in easily attainable increments that take human nature and time constraints into account. I like to think about … Read more