Snowdrop Time

I love snowdrops, those wonderful harbingers of spring. While I am not a “galanthophile” who goes gaga over the slightest variations in snowdrop markings, I have been slowly amassing a collection of different varieties over the years. I bought most of mine from the Temple Nursery, a tiny concern in Trumansburg, New York, operated by … Read more

Winter Buttercups

Sometimes people see things in my garden that they don’t expect, like neatness, an absence of weeds and crisply clipped hedges.  In the fall, I often notice looks of astonishment on the faces of the local dog walkers—who keep close tabs on the front garden—when they notice fall-blooming crocuses springing up just as the asters … Read more

Tommie Crocus

Crocuses, now appearing in gardens near you, are like tiny rays of light in the sea of winter garden debris. They invite you to look closer and demand that you gently sweep away the detritus around them so that they can be better appreciated. In the gardens of crocus lovers, the little snow crocuses generally … Read more