Color Me Croton

Sadly, the poinsettia plants that many of us purchased over the holiday period have given their all, lost their colorful bracts, and been consigned to the curb, the compost pile, or that neglected spot among the unloved houseplants where seasonal specimens go to die. Now, with holiday decorations stowed, and spring still far off, many … Read more

Fancy Plants

House plants are all the rage, in North America and abroad.  Shelter magazine photographers are working overtime trying to get shots of everything from begonias to banana trees.  Pinterest is full of luxurious tropical plants.  Horticulture publications that used to treat house plants as afterthoughts now devote entire sections, or sometimes entire issues to indoor … Read more

We Still Call It Coleus

If you happen to be a flashy individual who changes your name every few years and carries on colorfully in public places, you might be called a “performance artist”, or possibly something even more descriptive.  If you were to morph into plant form and do the same thing, gardeners would simply ignore all the name … Read more

Begonias–A Moment in the Sun

These days plant dealers need specimens that do the following things: look good ninety-eight percent of the time; provide reliable color or interest; perform in part shade; flourish in gardens or containers and require very little care.  Breeders have slaved over certain perennial plant genera, including heuchera, tiarella and brunnera, in an effort to produce … Read more