Everything Old is New Again

People argue perpetually about certain words, among them “climate change” and “sustainability”. In a time of turmoil in the world—no matter how you characterize that turmoil—we need peace in the garden. So I propose we think about an idea that is relatively uncontroversial, has stood the test of time, and is useful in just about … Read more

Banishing Darkness

There are some commercial locations that just seem jinxed.  Businesses move in, last for a year or so and then die, only to be replaced by other businesses that repeat the pattern, sometimes for years on end.  I have a garden bed like that.  Every year I try to find a perfect landscape solution for … Read more

We Still Call It Coleus

If you happen to be a flashy individual who changes your name every few years and carries on colorfully in public places, you might be called a “performance artist”, or possibly something even more descriptive.  If you were to morph into plant form and do the same thing, gardeners would simply ignore all the name … Read more

Fall Restoration

Whenever I am away from the garden for any reason I make a habit of greeting it when I return. This process involves a  tour of the front and back and includes noting which plants are flourishing, pulling out an egregious weed here or there and reacquainting myself with my little slice of Eden. The … Read more