Late Summer Flowers

Despite my best efforts, my garden has too few late summer flowers.  For years I have been shy about putting in enough dahlias, which will bloom their hearts out given a bit of sunny space and water.  They come in so many sizes, shapes and colors that even those, like me, who disdain the flashy “dinner plate” types can find a sympatico dahlia.

I have also been backwards about phlox, those tall, fragrant summer stalwarts.  In the past I have made excuses for my garden’s chronic phlox deprivation by saying that I couldn’t cope with many varieties’ susceptibility to powdery mildew.  However, I tolerate blackspot on some of my roses and rust on a few of the holly hocks, so it is not fastidiousness that holds me back.  It is mostly force of habit.  Consistency, however is the hobgoblin of the small-minded gardener, so next year I aim to be a little less consistent.  This fall I’ll add a few hardy phlox, which should be in fine shape by this time next summer.  Come spring I’ll put in many more dahlias.  Late summer doldrums will be banished from the garden.