Hard Labor

Now that the seasonal clean-up is underway, I am struck once again by the physicality of many garden chores.  I am thinking of jobs like trimming the vigorous rose that clambers up our eight-foot tall arch, or pulling down the rampant ivy that threatens the mortar of our high stone foundation.  Then of course there is the multi-hour process of trimming the many roses of Sharon, so they don’t become leggy next year.  The flowering quince, which looks like a green woolly mammoth, awaits a haircut as well.  It takes a fair amount of muscle to pull down branches, clip them and bundle them for bulk pick-up.  Vigorous raking and leap disposal are now daily chores and will be until all the trees are devoid of leaves..

My garden is medium-sized, but the number of landscape elements is large.  Occasionally, when the jobs get ahead of me, I spend a few minutes pining for a formal layout full of slow-growing evergreens.  Then I come to my sense and remember how much I love flowers and abundant greenery.  It just takes abundant work to tend them.