Mood Enhancers

The stores went into holiday mode right after Halloween, but I am not ready to put up the wreaths, adorn the house with poinsettias, or hang greens from the mantelpiece.  I don’t like to rush the December holiday season, because if I do, it will be Valentine’s Day on January 1.  I do, however, need … Read more

Cyclamen Rejuvenation

Garden cyclamen, sometimes known as hardy cyclamen, are subtle plants and easy to forget when they are not in leaf or flower.  I forgot mine completely until I noticed that they hadn’t appeared this year.  I don’t know what happened, but I blame the squirrels who have rampaged through the garden, digging with impunity and … Read more

Ordinary Miracle

As I bring some of the geraniums inside, and consign others to death at the hands of the Frost God, I have to stop and consider the miraculous nature of these ubiquitous plants. The bright, fluffy-headed, tender perennials that we call “geraniums” are actually members of the Pelargonium species.   When we fill our window boxes … Read more

Indoor Garden

Every year I put off the inevitable—bringing houseplants indoors after their long summer vacation outside.  I would like to think that my procrastination is motivated by a desire for the plants to soak up sunshine for as long as possible.  Really though, I fear that my indoor spaces will be inundated by a high tide … Read more

Mexican Petunia

My daughter loves a new plant—especially a tropical plant.  Because of her I grow rambunctious cannas, lovely plumbago, ornamental ginger and tropical hibiscus.  Now we have added a new member to the domestic plant family—Mexican petunia, known variously as Ruellia brittoniana, Ruellia simplex, Ruellia tweediana and Ruellia spectabilis.  That is a lot of Latin names … Read more