Saint Heirloom

  Every year at this time I take great joy in paging through the paper bulb catalogs and perusing the websites so that I can overspend on spring bulbs in the most discerning and intelligent way.  One of my longtime favorite catalogs is Old House Gardens, which describes itself as “Heirloom Bulbs—So Much More Than … Read more

Gardens of Adversity; Gardens of Hope

            Some things are universal—or nearly so–and show up in every culture.  Chicken soup is one of them, even if the “chicken” in the soup is some other variety of fowl.  Gardens are another.  The urge to garden has remained strong through civilization’s  many travails, including wars, natural disasters, dislocation and urbanization.  The deliberate cultivation … Read more

A Little Daffy

I have a friend who is fond of saying, “the devil is in the details,” and she is right.  Ambitious plans have come to a screeching halt because someone forgot the AAA batteries.  Failure to tighten a strategically placed button can cause an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.  Most of us could make up our own lists … Read more

Butterfly Weed

Lots of plants pop up in the fertile ground under my privet hedge—poison ivy, Virginia creeper, wild grape, Japanese honeysuckle, Oriental bittersweet and common mulberry, to name a few.  I spend a good chunk of time every month battling them.  It is a quixotic battle, based on the romantic notion that I can actually defeat … Read more

Book Review: The New American Herbal by Stephen Orr

An herb is defined as any useful plant.  I grow lots of them, though some are decidedly more useful than others.  I wage constant battles with rambunctious, self-sowing nuisances like perilla mint and lemon balm, which are on a perpetual campaign for garden, if not world domination.  I gladly grow other, better-mannered herbs, including lavender, … Read more