Lemoine Legacy

Back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth, before plant breeding was the domain of huge conglomerates, the breeding and nursery business often ran in families.  The Lemoine family of Nancy, France was one of those multi-generational concerns, breeding and selling plants from 1849 through 1960. Victor Lemoine, his wife, Marie Louise, their son, … Read more


Rose breeders are always looking for something new—blue roses, continuous bloomers, roses that flower in the shade and plants that are absolutely impervious to climate change, pests and diseases.  This has been going on for centuries, but in an era when breeding advances can be communicated around the world in an instant, the hunt for … Read more

Book Reveiw: My Secret Garden by Alan Titchmarsh

Alan Titchmarsh is quintessentially English, from his last name to his loves—gardening, dogs, country life and the Queen.  Best known to Americans from the imported gardening makeover series, Ground Force, Titchmarsh is a celebrity in Britain.  He hosts the BBC’s round the clock coverage of the Chelsea Flower Show every year, has written numerous garden … Read more


Lately the garden media has been buzzing about a wonderful new plant.  Acquire it and in one swoop you have checked off all the boxes on the fashionable garden requirements sheet—sustainability, native origins, attracts wildlife, low maintenance, looks good and smells good.  Get one and you can feel horticulturally sanctified for an entire season. The … Read more

Ghosts of Gardens Past

GHOSTS OF GARDENS PAST               Last week, in need of a minor adventure, I went to Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey.  On the face of it, a thirty-eight minute drive to the northern part of the state might not seem like the stuff of which adventures are made.  However, I was in search … Read more