Mock Orange

MOCK ORANGE             Plant breeders and merchandisers are working hard to create the perfect garden plant and I am sure someday they will do it.  This paragon of horticultural virtue will be easy to care for, pest and disease resistant, adaptable to a wide range of conditions and perform equally well in sun and partial … Read more

Spring Ahead

Gardeners may swill champagne along with the rest of the world at 12:01 on January 1, but most of us don’t truly feel the New Year’s spirit until the temperature starts to rise and the first snowdrops, crocuses and winter aconite pop out of the still-frozen ground.  Even if a bit of snow lingers in … Read more

Mr. Flower Show

The horticultural world—past and present– is full of big personalities, including a colorful cast of plant fanatics, design divas and fastidious flower arrangers.  Each adds a bright strand to the tapestry of horticultural history.  My recent trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show inspired thoughts of one such big personality, J. Liddon Pennock, Jr.—1913-2003— a longtime … Read more

Flowering Tobacco

Over the centuries, humans have had a complex relationship with members of the tobacco—Nicotiana—family.  We have praised them, vilified them, smoked some species, distilled others into insecticides and burned still others in various rituals.  One thing is clear.  When it comes to ornamental or flowering tobacco, there is much to praise and almost nothing to … Read more


The Perennial Plant Association (PPA) is 31 year-old trade and industry group that seeks to promote perennial plants through education, lobbying and publicity efforts.  The plants probably don’t care about this, but the horticultural industry that depends on them does.  Every year at about this time, the PPA rouses winter-bound gardeners all over the country … Read more