Vick’s Caprice

After four years of waiting, at least one go-around with Mr. Antlers and a presumption of plant death, ‘Vick’s Caprice’ has finally bloomed in my garden.  And even though the tough little rose put out only one flower, it was worth the time and anxiety.  The cupped and quartered bloom is lovely–rose pink, accented with … Read more

Daylily Daze

July is daylily time, with slender flower buds bursting open joyfully just as the last of the petals have fallen from the roses and the oak leaf hydrangeas have reached their peak.  Though each bloom lasts only one day, the plants are among the toughest around, as well as the most popular.  The common, tawny … Read more

Hydrangea Hope

Last year we had no blue hydrangea flowers.  A late spring frost decimated the buds of all old-fashioned Hydrangea macrophylla bushes and for most hydrangea lovers in my corner of the northeast, the blooms never came.  Eventually the shrubs bore fresh green leaves in abundance, but hydrangea aficionados were forced to say “next year” in … Read more

Weed or Not?

One of the sad realities of my suburban life is that lawn grass grows best in a single segment of my property—the garden beds.  The green blades struggle in the backyard, perpetual losers in the never-ending competition with ajuga, clover, wild violets and broadleaf weeds.  The grass issue in back is exacerbated by the fact … Read more

Almost a Hummingbird

My daughter, Kate, and I were cruising the aisles of a large, well-stocked garden center last week when we noticed rapid movement in a display of bee balm or monarda.  The garden center was full of butterflies and small birds swooped in and out of the covered plant areas, but it was clear the movement … Read more