A Tale of Two Roses

For some people, the word “vacation” means trips to the beach and hours spent wallowing in trashy novels.  Others wouldn’t go near a beach or a trashy novel, but love to tramp around historical sites, museums or battlefields.  It all depends on your definition of another important word— “relaxation”. My husband and I used to … Read more

Norah Lindsay

Whenever I go to the movies, I am very aware of the fact that you have to be a superhero to get any box office traction these days.  The horticultural world is full of superheroes—past and present.  Most of them would look rather lumpy and feel downright uncomfortable in masks, tights or body armor, so … Read more

Cats Seeing Stars

We are now entering the daisy days of early summer, when Shasta daisies, coneflowers, Gaillardia daisies and a constellation of other Asteraceae or Compositae family members burst into bloom.  I love them all, because they are strong growers, attract loads of butterflies and other pollinators, and are equally useful for ornamenting the garden or filling … Read more

Banishing Darkness

There are some commercial locations that just seem jinxed.  Businesses move in, last for a year or so and then die, only to be replaced by other businesses that repeat the pattern, sometimes for years on end.  I have a garden bed like that.  Every year I try to find a perfect landscape solution for … Read more

A Tale of Two Geraniums

Late spring is geranium time—hardy geraniums or cranesbills, that is.  A multitude of tough, low-growing perennials are currently flaunting their five-petaled blooms and lobed, dissected leaves in beds, borders and containers just about everywhere.  While they will probably never eclipse the popularity of their flashy cousins, the pelargoniums, of front porch and window box fame, … Read more