Flocks of Doves

I have columbine or Aquilegia vulgaris growing in my garden—and occasionally in the grass, rock wall crevices, cracks between pavers, and just about anywhere else that that is home to more than an atom of soil.  I regard this as a blessing, because most of them are self sown specimens that flourish with absolutely no … Read more

Yellow Magnolia

I am very partial to yellow flowers—especially those that don’t normally bloom in that hue.  I was one of the first gardeners of my acquaintance to buy ‘Barzella’, a yellow-flowered interspecies hybrid peony that represented a color breakthrough for peonies. A few years ago, I paid a premium for a newly-rediscovered heirloom yellow hyacinth.   My … Read more

Peony Uprising

There may be some people who don’t love peonies.  Fortunately I don’t know them.  Ever since the first red tips of peony sprouts popped up a few weeks ago, I have been waiting impatiently for the day when they burst into big flamboyant blooms.  Then I will say, “Damn the ants; full speed ahead,” and … Read more

Sister Violet

At this time of the year we celebrate spring by rushing out to the garden centers and buying flats of pansies and violas.  We breathe the warming air and fill up our window boxes, pots and borders with these spring avatars. And then we turn around and try to exterminate their cousins, the common violets, … Read more

Plant Crazy

Plant craziness has attacked me again.  As always, it came on suddenly, as I sat down after a long day’s work and paged through one of my favorite English gardening magazines.  These publications are full of what my husband called “plant pornography”—gorgeous photos of alluring specimens, dripping with dew and ready to jump right off … Read more