Fancy Plants

House plants are all the rage, in North America and abroad.  Shelter magazine photographers are working overtime trying to get shots of everything from begonias to banana trees.  Pinterest is full of luxurious tropical plants.  Horticulture publications that used to treat house plants as afterthoughts now devote entire sections, or sometimes entire issues to indoor … Read more

Book Review–Beth Chatto: A Life With Plants

The latter half of the twentieth century produced a bumper crop of great gardeners, garden designers and garden personalities.  I have been inspired by many of them, especially British born Beth Chatto, 1923-2018, who shone brightly in that horticultural pantheon.  Now, an authorized biography, Beth Chatto: A Life With Plants, presents a fond, but unvarnished … Read more

Sustainable New Year

The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are usually too big to be manageable for more than a few weeks.  Change—whether it is weight loss, curbing bad habits or de-cluttering your home environment—is best done in easily attainable increments that take human nature and time constraints into account. I like to think about … Read more

Conspicuous Kalanchoe

The island of Madagascar, off the coast of Africa, is home to all kinds of interesting plants and animals.  My favorites among the fauna are lemurs, primates that have adapted successfully to even the harshest environments.  There is something especially endearing about the ring-tailed lemurs, which hold their long tails optimistically aloft while roaming through … Read more

Rosemary Trees

Merchandisers are under a lot of pressure every year to introduce new and/or different plants for the holidays.  Troll the aisles of nurseries and garden centers right now and you will see new and different poinsettias, bodacious kalanchoes and even hellebores for indoor display.  Novelty piques interest. I am a jaded horticulture consumer, so piquing … Read more