Hand Painted Flowers

This winter, my advice to gardeners, would-be gardeners and those who simply want an amusing plant or two is “order early”.  Last fall, bulb and plant vendors were among the few merchants doing land office business, selling out in record time.  With at least a couple more cold, dark, alarming months ahead of us, the … Read more

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Read Henry Mitchell

“Good sense has little to do with gardening.”—Henry Mitchell The Solstice approaches and with it, we will gain about one minute of additional daylight per day.  I am convinced that even that extra 60 seconds will make a difference in the quality of life. Of course, dark days and snowstorms will still happen.  In fact, … Read more

Succulent Roses

Succulents, especially the rose-form echeverias, have been in vogue for the last fifteen years.  They have flirted with the public in botanical institutions, teased onlookers from the tops of show house coffee tables, and beguiled shoppers in garden centers.  Sometimes, especially in winter, they seem to be everywhere. Though I am prone to falling in … Read more

Cape Primrose

“Streptocarpus” is an awful plant name, suggestive of sore throats and other maladies that can only be cured by antibiotics.  In reality, if a plant lover is infected with a yen for streptocarpus, the malady may prove to be long-lasting and pleasant. Streptocarpus is commonly known as “Cape primrose”, a much better name that invokes … Read more

Mood Enhancers

The stores went into holiday mode right after Halloween, but I am not ready to put up the wreaths, adorn the house with poinsettias, or hang greens from the mantelpiece.  I don’t like to rush the December holiday season, because if I do, it will be Valentine’s Day on January 1.  I do, however, need … Read more