What Do You Do With A Blue Hydrangea?

There are some tunes that stick in your head, sometimes for weeks.  That happened to me recently with the old sea chantey, “What do we do with a drunken sailor?”  The song isn’t as common as it was a generation or two ago, possibly owing to its bawdy lyrics, but is still widely known.  The … Read more

Sunny Saturday Morning

Novelist Henry James thought the words “summer afternoon” were the most beautiful in the English language.  I love that phrase, especially in July when I am sitting in a shaded spot with a glass of iced tea and a good book.  Still, in my mind, “summer afternoon” comes in second to the phrase “sunny Saturday … Read more

Rain Lilies

There are days when I want to live in the moment, celebrate the quotidian experience and relish immediate delights—like the many stands of snowdrops currently on display in various parts of my garden.  Other days, I am drawn to the past; especially when I think about people and places that exist only in memory.  Being … Read more

Globe Thistle

Most of the time I strive for a garden where mounds of perennials and annual flowers meld together in a colorful tapestry.  Plants are staggered by height in an artistic manner and tranquility reigns.  The image, at least in my mind, is idyllic. Right now though, I am looking for a little more excitement. I … Read more


  There are two kinds of guilt—guilt for things done and guilt for things left undone.  Most people suffer from one or the other, or both, from time to time.  Some of us, especially those who have either had mothers and/or been mothers, are masters at the art of guilt, whether we lay it on … Read more