The Clutches of Spring

    Summer is here, but many of us are still locked in the clutches of spring.  Why?  Because the remnants of the swell garden party that was the spring growing season are still with us.  Think of all the flashy “guests” at that party—roses, clematis, peonies and iris of all sorts.  They thrilled us all, … Read more

Gift Stone

True blue flowers don’t happen every day, but when they do, their beauty is heart-stopping.  A few years ago, my daughter, the queen of container growing, had a heart-stopping moment with Lithodora diffusa, a small, perennial, ground-covering plant with true blue flowers.  She thought it was perfect for a mixed container arrangement.  I thought it … Read more

Perfect Imperfection

It is axiomatic among gardeners that the garden is always at its best either the week before or the week after visitors stop by.  “You should have seen it last week,” you say regretfully while looking at the desiccated remains of your formerly sumptuous double daffodils.  “Wait until next week,” you mutter, as you point … Read more

Ode to a Garden Fork

Nineteenth century poets, like John Keats, were fond of odes.  Keats is particularly famous for a relatively short one extolling the beauty of a Grecian urn, and a longer one about a nightingale.  If only he had lived long enough to be introduced to the sturdy garden fork that hangs in silence on my garage … Read more