Ugly Legs

I once had an elderly babysitter who lived a Spartan life and indulged in only one vice—one scoop of vanilla ice cream once a week.  This may have accounted for the fact that she lived in permanent disapproval mode.  Once, when I was about twelve I greeted her arrival wearing what I thought was a … Read more

Golden Celebration

I have a passion for just about all roses, and right now, as they put on their brave last act, I feel especially tender towards them.  The changes in light—intensity and duration—have affected their colors.  The petals of my red and white-striped ‘Scentimental’ are now more red than white.  Back in May the color ratio … Read more

Fall Flush

For years I have planted certain fall bloomers in my front garden in the hopes of creating a lush golden and russet display of rudbeckia, helenium, and late summer sunflowers.  The current show is respectable, but would never make the pages of a glossy garden publication.  I should probably just abandon the effort and cede … Read more

Butterfly Bounty

When I am out walking each day, I look at plants—the manicured specimens maintained by landscape crews, the lovingly grown clumps of annuals and perennials on smaller lots, and even the strays—self seeded individuals growing where they may or may not be wanted.  The other day I saw a butterfly bush or Buddleia davidii growing … Read more

Fencing With the Garden

Sometimes you choose to make changes in the landscape.  Sometimes the landscape does the deciding.  In my case, the situation is a little bit of both.  The wooden perimeter fence that bounds my backyard is decrepit and needs replacing.  It was handsome once, but that was fifteen years ago.  Weather and normal aging have done … Read more