
RESTRAINT             I went over the edge last week.  So did ‘City of York’, a climbing rose with large white flowers that grows in a raised bed next to my garage. The expansive shrub was attached to a trellis that was in turn screwed into the garage wall.  This spring’s weekly wind-storms had apparently loosened … Read more

Hyssop and Agastache

HYSSOP BY ANY OTHER NAME             A clergyman friend wanted some hyssop to use during a religious service.  This was perfectly appropriate, since the herb, used in sacred purification rites since ancient times, is mentioned in the Book of Psalms, as well as in the New Testament.              As is always the case in churches, … Read more


BRENTHURST               Last summer, for the first time in years, I had the pleasure of regular hummingbird visits.  A single tiny bird came by every afternoon to sip nectar from the butterfly bush and other plants in my upper back garden.  Its route always seemed to be the same, and it never strayed into … Read more


BEARDTONGUE             One of the wonderful things about being a gardener is that you get to fall in love with different plant species and varieties as often as you want.  Successful relationships can last a lifetime.  Less successful pairings are easily ended with cheap divorces that frequently involve the compost pile.  Some gardeners are monogamous, … Read more

Coneflower Crazy

CONEFLOWER CRAZY             I am having a crisis.  The plant breeders and nurserymen of this world are conspiring to drive me crazy and they have just about succeeded.  Unlike all those medical and psychological conditions that you hear about on television–RLS, GERD, SAD–there is no pharmaceutical remedy for my problem.  It doesn’t even have initials … Read more