June Strawberries

JUNE STRAWBERRIES One day last week I had strawberries for lunch–nothing else, just strawberries. Why? Because I picked almost a quart from my garden and it was the very first time I had gotten such a large harvest all at once. Strawberries are best consumed as soon as possible after they are purchased or picked, … Read more

Buddleia Redux

BUDDLEIA REDUX Four butterfly bushes grow on my property. I bought three of them; the fourth was a gift from a friend who has since moved away. The gift shrub is a rampant self-seeder, which is probably why its original owner was so anxious to get rid of it. I share that joy by giving … Read more

Silver and Gold

SILVER AND GOLD Last week I wrote about visiting the gardens at a designer show house and being struck by the number of chartreuse or golden-leafed plants used to lighten up dark spaces. I have been thinking about it ever since, and noticing such plants everywhere I go. Another great landscape lightener is silver or … Read more

The Holding Area

THE HOLDING AREA             The time has come to empty out the plant holding area.  It’s the end of summer and some of the plants have been hanging on valiantly since the spring, waiting for their turn in the soil.  I have watered them, trimmed them and felt extremely guilty about them.  In fact, I … Read more


VERBASCUM             I am now the proud owner of a Verbascum phoenicium or purple mullein.  It’s quite a statuesque individual, with basal clusters of eight inch-long leaves that look like lettuce or spinach.  The flower stalk is about three feet tall and completely covered with tiny white flowers whose petals shade to purple at the … Read more