
My husband used to get alarmed by the detailed plant lists that I make at this time of the year.  It’s no wonder, really.  Lengthy, detailed and involving huge expenditures, the lists are a two-dimensional harbinger of bankruptcy.  I compile them while in the throes of catalog fever, an affliction that I catch on contact … Read more

Buff Beauty

It has been a long time coming, but someone has finally made a sensible pronouncement about roses.  English garden writer, Charles Quest-Ritson, opines as follows in the December issue of Gardens Illustrated: “The traditional wisdom is that you should spray your roses regularly with fungicides—and feed them and prune them and make as much work … Read more

Book Review: Quiet Beauty — The Japanese Gardens of North America

We Americans like to put our own stamp on things.  Most Chinese food served in the U.S. would be unrecognizable to a person newly arrived from China.  The same is true of a good many “English teas” I have enjoyed over the years.  The food may be delicious, but the comestibles and the experience are … Read more

Orchid Profusion

The masters of the color universe at Pantone have decreed that “Radiant Orchid,” a shade of rosy purple, will be the 2014 “Color of the Year.”  The promotional copy is effusive, describing Radiant Orchid as a shade that “blooms with confidence and magical warmth that intrigues the eye and sparks the imagination.”  Not only that, … Read more

Begonias–A Moment in the Sun

These days plant dealers need specimens that do the following things: look good ninety-eight percent of the time; provide reliable color or interest; perform in part shade; flourish in gardens or containers and require very little care.  Breeders have slaved over certain perennial plant genera, including heuchera, tiarella and brunnera, in an effort to produce … Read more