Simple is Best

I am forever acquiring new plant species and varieties, mostly because I am an easy mark for plant merchandisers.  A trip to a good garden center—and there are several of them within an easy drive of my house—brings me face to face with all kinds of temptation and I often give in.  I am lucky … Read more

Butterfly Weed

Lots of plants pop up in the fertile ground under my privet hedge—poison ivy, Virginia creeper, wild grape, Japanese honeysuckle, Oriental bittersweet and common mulberry, to name a few.  I spend a good chunk of time every month battling them.  It is a quixotic battle, based on the romantic notion that I can actually defeat … Read more

Meehans’ Monthly

Back before the dawn of time and the omnipresence of e-Bay, you used to be able to find dusty little antique shops on side streets in towns and cities all over the country.  Those shops were generally filled with equal measures of junk and treasure, though sometimes it seemed that little if any merchandise changed … Read more

Smoke Bush

Those twentieth century poet/troubadours, John Lennon and Paul McCartney, captured a universal sentiment when they penned the words “I get by with a little help from my friends.”  Most gardeners would agree.  I depend on friends for inspiration and friendly criticism, not to mention timely donations of cuttings, perennial divisions and collected seeds. Last week … Read more

Heavenly Turk’s Caps

Sometimes, in a congested garden like mine, plants get overlooked.  That is, until they announce their presence by blooming, spreading like weeds or exuding a bad odor.  My little white Turk’s cap lily—Lilium martagon var. ‘Album’—was one of those overlooked plants.  I think I planted it last year in a burst of whimsy.  It was … Read more