Naming Rights

NAMING RIGHTS             We have just passed the Winter Solstice, which in many ways is the most important event in the gardening year.  The light begins to return and even though the addition of a few extra minutes of daylight each afternoon is imperceptible at first, we know that it is happening and it gives … Read more


AMSONIA             Long ago, when I was studying perennial plants at the New York Botanical Garden, I was introduced to a statuesque plant that was holding court in one of the Garden’s perennial beds.  It was nearly four feet tall, healthy and robust, as you might expect of a specimen living in such surroundings.  Many … Read more

Iris Pallida

IRIS PALLIDA             At this time of the year, the number of plants in the average northeastern garden that still look good is small.  Some of the roses have nice hips, the barberries sport brilliant fruits and, of course, the evergreens provide excellent structure.  If you have roses-of-Sharon, the seed heads are looking their best … Read more

Power Tools

POWER TOOLS Last weekend I liberated myself from toil, cast aside romantic notions and joined the ranks of bona fide suburbanites. I used an electric hedge trimmer for the first time. What compelled me to cross this domestic Rubicon? I finally realized that I was completely overmatched in my ongoing battle with the overgrown privet … Read more

Daisy Fleabane

DAISY FLEABANE The Compositae or daisy family is huge and its members are everywhere, from the toniest gardens to vacant lots. If you have ever cultivated–deliberately or by accident–cosmos, coreopsis, Shasta daisies, ox-eye daisies, sunflowers, helenium, chrysanthemums, Gaillardia or asters; you have been involved with daisies. These days you could fill an entire large garden … Read more