The Perfect Urn

THE PERFECT PLANTER             I used to think that all it took to make a great garden was an unlimited number of plants and boundless energy.  Now I know better.  My garden is full of plants and there are moments when I still feel boundless energy, but something is missing.  What I really need now … Read more


LITHODORA             At this time of the year, it is hard to curb your enthusiasm.  While trolling the local garden centers for interesting pansies and violas, I was nearly overcome by the sight of all the freshly-delivered perennials, annuals, trees and shrubs.  If I were either Warren Buffett or a Power Ball Lottery winner, I … Read more

Guy Wilson

GUY WILSON             At the moment my daffodils are braving the weather, shaking in their shoots and waiting for warmer, sunnier days.  The early ones are in bloom, holding their own against repeated onslaughts of cold rain.  Even in miserable weather, daffodils are a cheerful sight.  I have many in my garden and every year … Read more

Hellebore Explosion

HELLEBORE EXPLOSION             I have been following my own advice this past week and cutting the ratty, winter-worn foliage off my hellebore plants so the new leaves and flowers will shine forth.  The effort is worth it, because all are either blooming or about to bloom, showing their new flowery faces to the world.  The … Read more

Witch Hazel

WITCH HAZEL             When I was a child and had a cut, bruise or other swelling, some older member of the family would invariably say, “Put some witch hazel on that.”  We had a bottle of witch hazel in the bathroom linen closet and even though people recommended witch hazel regularly, the bottle never seemed … Read more