Poor Man’s Orchid

POOR MAN’S ORCHID             I have spent most of my gardening career planting and promoting perennials.  The benefits are obvious; they return every year and frequently grow large enough to divide, thereby increasing supplies at no extra cost.  What’s more, they make a political and social statement, telling the world that I am not one … Read more

Dangerous Andromeda

DANGEROUS ANDROMEDA             I have fallen in love with a beautiful and dangerous plant.  It is not dangerous in the literal sense, like the deadly castor bean or monkshood.  It is dangerous because it is finicky and can be hard to grow.  If grown badly it will either die or, more likely, languish forever in … Read more

A Time of Division

A TIME OF DIVISION             At long last, spring appears to be committing itself to this area.  Even the cold nights are getting warmer and occasionally we see glimpses of sunlight during the day.  The early daffodils have folded their tents and dropped their petals, beginning the long process of preparing for next season’s blooms.  … Read more

The Perfect Urn

THE PERFECT PLANTER             I used to think that all it took to make a great garden was an unlimited number of plants and boundless energy.  Now I know better.  My garden is full of plants and there are moments when I still feel boundless energy, but something is missing.  What I really need now … Read more


LITHODORA             At this time of the year, it is hard to curb your enthusiasm.  While trolling the local garden centers for interesting pansies and violas, I was nearly overcome by the sight of all the freshly-delivered perennials, annuals, trees and shrubs.  If I were either Warren Buffett or a Power Ball Lottery winner, I … Read more