Rose Taming

Having just finished seasonal pruning of a rambunctious and assertively thorny rambling rose, I am reminded of the movie title, “There Will Be Blood.”  The rose in question, which grows wildly, suckers aggressively and would take over the world if given the chance, also produces hundreds of winsome single, rose-pink blooms over the course of … Read more

Tradescantia Surge

Every once in awhile, a specific plant will have an absolutely wonderful year.  This usually happens the year after you give it up for dead but are too lazy or preoccupied to dig it up and hurl it onto the compost pile.  My tradescantia were not in any danger of that fate, but up until … Read more

Onion Grass

If the abundant asters, Japanese anemones and the newly-revived roses didn’t convince me that it’s fall, the weeds certainly would.  Suddenly the crabgrass—scourge of the summer lawn and garden—is gone and the onion grass is back.  I took the first tentative strands of it out today, while I was dividing some tradescantia.  More will certainly … Read more

Up On the Roof

UP ON THE ROOF             The media has given a lot of publicity over the past few years to “green” structures, including roofs and walls.  Green roofs, when properly supported, planted and tended, can keep buildings cooler than conventional roofing materials.  Green walls are a way to beautify interior or exterior space by growing plants … Read more