Houseplant Sprint

In summer, time typically moves slower, as motivation is diminished by hot weather and vacation activities. Then, the first of September happens, and suddenly the pace of life revs up to warp speed, as every activity in the world restarts. Meetings and commitments multiply, hours of daylight diminish, and gardeners are often caught in a … Read more

Fall’s Last Daisies

In 1919, a new popular song invaded the public conscience. Its title was, “How Ya Gonna Keep ’em Down on the Farm (After They’ve Seen Paree?)” World War I had just ended and many American soldiers had experienced Europe for the first time. Some of those not annihilated in trench warfare had been exposed to … Read more

Frikart’s Aster

There was a time—though I hardly remember it now–when I had no asters in my front garden. Then I planted one small pot of a tall, pink-flowered aster named ‘Alma Potschke’. ‘Alma’ prospered—so much so that now, if I didn’t pull out some of the seedlings every year, I would probably have thousands of ‘Alma … Read more

Crape Myrtle–At Last

After about three years of indecision and inattention, I have finally acquired a crape myrtle, known to its botanist friends as Lagerstroemia indica. The acquisition involved aging by yet another year and alerting my daughter to the fact that a crape myrtle might make a wonderful birthday present. Now, I am the proud owner of … Read more

Golden Surprise

What features are essential to a successful garden? Some people would say “structure”. Others would opine that no garden is complete without some kind of water feature—even if that water feature is only a birdbath. Still others would say “evergreens” or “hardscaping” or “four seasons of interest”. All of those things contribute to the best … Read more