Marvelous Miscanthus

Everyone is familiar with the classic love/hate relationship.  You come into contact with a person or thing–usually, in my experience, it’s a person.  You find that there is much to admire about the person, but the he or she also has traits that drive you crazy.  From the sound of it, the late, great English … Read more


COLCHICUM             Good gardeners can’t be prudes.  After all, sex happens all the time out there among the roses and lilies, and some plants display their private parts in the most scandalous ways.  As I write this, bumblebees are committing random acts of pollination all over my asters, and the monarch butterflies appear to be … Read more

Sweet Autumn Clematis

SWEET AUTUMN CLEMATIS             What plant has had more names than a check forger, sometimes runs completely out of control and still makes regular appearances in respectable gardens everywhere?  Sweet autumn clematis is the plant, and if America’s Most Wanted had a plant list, this fall bloomer would surely be on it.             Sweet autumn … Read more


When I am alone in my garden in November I often think about music, especially Ralph Vaughn Williams’ elegiac settings of English folk tunes.  My favorite is the haunting “Fantasia on Greensleeves,” because the musical images just seem right for the season of chilly winds, early sunsets and mornings when the grass glistens with frost.  … Read more

Beauty of Bath

In late October, Daylight Savings Time ends; we reset our internal and external clocks, and gain a much-needed hour of sleep.  In the United States, we’ve been engaging in this seasonal ritual for so long that almost no one finds it ironic that the majority of us have to literally turn back time before we … Read more