
PARROTS             For years I worshipped at the shrine of the lily flowering tulip.  Tall, slim and elegant, the lily flowering tulip is everything I aspire to and is also closest in appearance to the wild tulips that got the world started on its long love affair with these spring flowering plants.  For years I … Read more

Successes and Failures

SUCCESSES AND FAILURES             The growing season is coming full circle.  As I cut back the browning daylily and iris foliage, patches of bare earth emerge, and the garden begins to look more like it does in the early spring.  The slow-moving stages of clean-up give me ample opportunity to think about this year’s garden.  … Read more


SEDUM               For years I thought that sedum were a bit like bran muffins.  You know that you are supposed to like them, but you rarely find a good one.  I still haven’t found a good bran muffin, but now I have evolved into an individual who really appreciates a first rate sedum.  This … Read more

Fall Plants and Plans

FALL PLANTS AND PLANS               I have always thought that most gardeners do not pay enough attention to the fall garden.  Of course, things are not nearly as bad as they used to be in the nineteen sixties and seventies when the majority of people relied almost entirely on the so-called “hardy mums” to … Read more

Hardy Cyclamen

HARDY CYCLAMEN             I am a great advocate of getting down on your knees and weeding.  It’s very bad for the weeds, because there is no escape for them when a gardener gets so close to the earth.  It’s very good for you because it provides a completely different perspective than the one you see … Read more