
My garden spent most of the month of July sweltering in hot, sticky heat and parched because of minimal rainfall.  Even with daily watering, plants suffered, especially those in containers.  The end of the month has brought almost too much relief in the form of daily thunderstorms.  Mushrooms are growing now in beds that were dusty two weeks ago.

As gardeners we do best when we go with the flow.  I still get up very early to take a walk and do a bit of garden work before the heat of the day sets in.  When it was dry, I started the watering.  Now that the ground is wet, I take advantage of the soft earth and pop out the many weeds that have sprouted since the rain started.

The silver lining to the rain cloud now hovering over the area is that purslane is growing in abundance from every crack.  If you don’t get around to pulling it out, purslane is quite attractive.  Food foragers know it is a fine edible plant.