Mulch Madness

No one has to mulch their garden and there are plenty of reasons—read excuses—not to do so. Suppose you contract with a mulch merchant to dump a big load of the stuff in a corner of your driveway. The load always looks much bigger than you expected and suddenly you have a very visible reminder … Read more

The Great Mulch Dilemma

Every day I take a long walk around my neighborhood to allay the claustrophobia that comes with “shelter in place” confinement.  As I walk along I observe that almost every single house has at least one mail order package waiting on the front porch.  I am reminded of the refrain of the Rolling Stones’ song, … Read more

Warming Up

At this time of year, all it takes is a few balmy days to trigger the gardening itch.  As soon as the temperature hovers above 50 degrees and the wind abandons howling in favor of murmuring, I have one foot out the door. I am fooling myself, of course.  February thaws are among of Nature’s … Read more

Mulch Experiments

My relationship with mulch has long been fraught with equal amounts of love, hate, drama and boredom, not to mention a lot of heavy lifting.  Did I mention guilt?  Guilt clings to mulch like barnacles on a ship’s hull.  Around this time five years ago, I arranged for a truckload of shredded cedar mulch to … Read more