What Ever Happened to Lombardy Poplar?

The house where I grew up was sold to another family right after I got married, so my memories of the place have grown rosy-tinted over time.  One thing is certain.  The back garden was bounded by eight tall Lombardy poplar trees.  My father loved them and they were everywhere in my hometown.  Now they … Read more

Cucumber Magnolia

Several weeks ago, as I was prepping for a local shade tree tour, one of the tour organizers sent me a picture of a “mystery tree” that was growing on private property on our chosen route.  The picture showed little, except very large green leaves.  I thought the tree might be some kind of catalpa, … Read more

Linden or Lime

A few weeks ago, at a really good restaurant, I splurged on a dessert of buttermilk panna cotta with raspberries.  That ethereal creation came garnished with preserved linden leaves and fruits.  I had never eaten anything from a linden tree—Tilia–before, and was intrigued.  The leaves and tiny, nut-like fruits were sweet from the preserving liquid … Read more

Fig Dreams

Not long ago a friend described the process of wrapping her fig tree—Ficus carica–for the winter.  The image triggered a cascade of memories, going back to my childhood in western New York State.  My town had a very large Italian-American population and many families, especially those with immigrant parents or grandparents, grew figs.  I am … Read more