A Rose is Not Always a Rose

I was first smitten with scented-leaf geraniums on a visit to the Cornell Botanic Garden in Ithaca, New York.  It was a sunny summer day and I passed a raised bed of vigorous geraniums near the Welcome Center.  The sunshine had warmed the essential oils lurking at the bases of tiny leaf hairs, allowing visitors … Read more

Sweet Alyssum

When I think back on my father’s garden, lots of flowers and plants come to mind—the huge rhubarb in the very back, the Johnny jump-ups that jumped up through the grass every spring under the pine trees, and the long row of pink, rose and white peonies that grew by the back walk.  The property … Read more

Rosemary Trees

Merchandisers are under a lot of pressure every year to introduce new and/or different plants for the holidays.  Troll the aisles of nurseries and garden centers right now and you will see new and different poinsettias, bodacious kalanchoes and even hellebores for indoor display.  Novelty piques interest. I am a jaded horticulture consumer, so piquing … Read more

Onions for all Seasons

After seeing five deer grazing contentedly on my front lawn, I started doing some serious thinking about onions.  I had some nice big ones in the crisper drawer and the temptation to distract the deer by hurling those hefty vegetables was strong.  Fortunately the deer heard a noise and cleared off on their own.  My … Read more

Wild Bee Balm

Bumblebees, those ace pollinators in the fuzzy yellow and black suits, are very fashionable at the moment.  And since they are fashionable, the plants that attract them are also extremely popular.  I thought of that as I returned from vacation last week and drove by the many swathes of purple-flowered wild bee balm or Monarda … Read more