Spiders Everywhere

Not long ago I went to Grace Gardens, in Geneva, NY, a magical daylily garden and nursery.  It was early July, just before peak daylily bloom, but thousands of blossoms were already open for business.  The array of colors and forms was breathtaking.  I found it impossible to leave without a handful of new daylily … Read more

Daylily Daze

July is daylily time, with slender flower buds bursting open joyfully just as the last of the petals have fallen from the roses and the oak leaf hydrangeas have reached their peak.  Though each bloom lasts only one day, the plants are among the toughest around, as well as the most popular.  The common, tawny … Read more

Simple is Best

I am forever acquiring new plant species and varieties, mostly because I am an easy mark for plant merchandisers.  A trip to a good garden center—and there are several of them within an easy drive of my house—brings me face to face with all kinds of temptation and I often give in.  I am lucky … Read more

Daylily Daze

Like the neighborhood ice cream truck, summer flowers announce themselves loudly and insistently.  My front borders are screaming with tall Shasta daisies and multi-colored coneflowers.  Standing head to head with all those daisy-flowered amazons are the daylilies, which are among the best-loved early to mid-summer plants. I have lots of daylilies, but I have forgotten … Read more