Early Fall Skips

On mornings in the late summer and early fall, I wait for the sun to rise high enough for the asters and other flowers to open. That magic moment should be heralded by trumpets, but since I live in the suburbs, that will never happen. Even without trumpets, though, the daily grand opening of the … Read more

Butterfly Farewell

The night temperatures are growing cold enough so that last week I turned the heat on in my house for the first time since spring.  The plants have caught a whiff of the oncoming season, but most of them are still going strong.  The roses shine, almost literally, in the autumn light, with a color … Read more

Book Review: The Butterflies of North America by Titian Peale

Some things in this life never change. Take writing and book publishing for example. Author and artist Titian Peale—1799-1885—worked on his book, The Butterflies of North America, beginning with a prospectus in 1833. When he died, fifty two years later, the book was still unfinished and Peale had no commitment from a publisher. In 1916, … Read more

Butterflies and Fall

Butterflies delineate the transition from early to late fall.  Choice food plants–asters and butterfly bushes—are in bloom in my garden now, in mid September, and Monarchs and skippers dance among the flowerheads.  Summer’s swallowtails are mostly gone, but the ubiquitous Cabbage Whites persist.  A few stragglers remain from the horde of Painted Ladies that descended … Read more

Lords and Ladies

Back in the beginning of the gardening season,  my garden, along with the rest of the Northeast, was inundated with Red Admiral butterflies.  Now, as the season begins to winds down, we have a bumper crop of Painted Ladies.  Both are colorful, with wings that combine white, black and orange. It is probably better that … Read more